Saturday, July 11, 2009

Spiderman comes to Birmingham

Today Braydon and Brinkley got to meet Braydon's favorite superhero. He got to meet SPIDERMAN! It was so funny watching all the kids there....You would have thought Robert Pattinson had just walked in the room or something! All the kids were going nuts when Spiderman came out! It was a hoot! Braydon just kept saying..."Mommy he is here Mommy he is here!" Super cute! Brinkley just kinda looked at him...Not too sure what to think about it! At first I wasn't sure if it was going to be worth the wait..Afterall we did wait in line for over an hour to see him for a total of 30 seconds...but it was definately worth it. The kids did great! They even got to get his "autograph". LOL

Braydon and his BFF Brodie

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Day at the Park

Today was beautiful day so we packed some snacks and water and headed to the our favorite park and made a day of it! The kids loved it! We took a loaf of bread and Braydon fed the ducks which is his favorite thing about this park! Mommy's favorite thing is that when we spend a day at the park both children take excellent naps when we get back home! :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Weekend at the Hall's

We had a great 4th of July weekend here at the Hall's! Friday night we went and seen a firework show and Braydon LOVED it! Everytime a big firework went off he would say "This is so amazing!" It was so precious! Saturday on teh 4th we had the Rushing's over and cooked out. We had a great time! The kids swam and then when it got dark we shot off fireworks...There were a few shows going on around our house so we were able to sit in the driveway and see one of the shows and then we could even see a show behind our house. It was a good time for sure!

This is Brinkley before church on Sunday

Doesn't he look thrilled to be getting his picture taken?!? :)

Brinkley was all about Miss Caroline!

The girls made us an American Flag desert. It was yummy!